Posts by Month: April, 2009
Thursday the 30th
Arts and crafts let kids express themselves and use their imagination. No mater how much supervisio...
Crafting is very important because not only does it have an affect on the one doing the crafts, but ...
Wednesday the 29th
Finding inexpensive crafting supplies can be a long process if you don't know where to look, but it ...
With the infinite researching power of the internet today, the possibilities for finding needlework ...
Tuesday the 28th
Crafts are fun to do at any time of the year. A great time is for Valentine's Day, for it shows tha...
Christmas Crafts Made Easy
Hand crafted ornaments and gifts at Christmas time adds a personal touch to the holidays. Doing it ...
Monday the 27th
Fun Christmas Crafts
People make crafts for Christmas for many different reasons. One reason is that they are tired of c...
How Crafting Affects Your Life
Making crafts can have a very positive affect on your life because crafting is very relaxing and all...
Sunday the 26th
Personalize Your Small Craft Gift
Giving small crafts as gifts has become quite popular due to the cost efficiency and the sentiment i...
Selling Your Crafts
If you are the artistic type who wants to generate extra income by selling your homemade crafts, you...
Saturday the 25th
How to Make Money with Crafts
There is no reason why you can’t bring in extra money doing what you love. If it is crafting that y...
Crafts are fun for us and they can also be for the children in our lives. With the right craft patt...
Friday the 24th
Crafting can add many different elements to your life. Making crafts by hand is an escape, a means t...
Craft Supplies For Next To Nothing
Crafting can cost you an arm and a leg or it can be a great way to express your creativity for almos...
Thursday the 23rd
Needlework Craft Ideas
Needlepoint is one of the most versatile hobbies available to crafters. You can make an unlimited n...
Great Valentine's Crafts
Making Valentine’s Day presents is a great way to give a personal touch to gifts for your family, fr...
Wednesday the 22nd
Fun Crafts For Christmas
Even though it is no longer the Christmas season, Christmas crafts can still be fun to make. Doing ...
Start Making Christmas Crafts Now
Even if you decide to be frugal this Christmas, you can still make it fun and festive. Start planni...
Tuesday the 21st
Crafting Can Affect Your Life
Crafting is not only an art, it is a way to express oneself. There is no greater amount of pride a ...
One of the most unique and personal gifts you can give to a friend or a family member is one that yo...
Monday the 20th
Know How to Earn Money from Your Crafts
When you make up your mind that you want to start making money by selling your crafts, you need to a...
Crafting Benefits For The Young And Old
The word crafting means the making or producing of something with skill, care and ingenuity. For bot...
Sunday the 19th
Where to Sell Your Crafts
Doing crafts is a great hobby for anyone to have, and it can also be done to make a profit. When at...
Crafting and Health
Crafting is a creative hobby, though it can also be a good way to produce income. Crafting promotes...
Saturday the 18th
Promoting Your Crafts
There are many different kinds of crafts that you can sell, but you must put yourself in the buyer’s...
Earning Money Making Crafts
It is fun and rewarding to earn money doing something you really love to do. Making crafts as a hob...
Young children can be entertained with simple crayons and paints. Just by going at it by themselves...
Crafts For Children
Now that the economy is really bad, parents can not afford to just go out and buy their children toy...
Crafting is a very important hobby for many people. It is also an important activity to do with chil...
Crafting is a wonderful hobby that is creative and useful at the same time. Crafting supplies can so...
Once a person learns to master the different stitches in a needlework craft they only need to decide...
Valentines Day is the universal day of love. People everywhere like to show the one they love how mu...
In a family or patient setting, crafts can be used as a tool for therapy. It can be used for childr...
Are you tired of being a couch potato? Are you bored, depressed, anxious, frustrated, or battling c...
Simple instructions are best for quick handmade crafts. You can make a Christmas sachet to hang on t...
Handmade items are usually treasured by the receiver, no matter if it is a gift or a decoration. Th...
Crafts help keep the mind alert and active because they are stimulating and creative. They can help...
Crafting is part of our lives from a very young age. As a young child in school, we all had arts an...
Great and inexpensive crafts supplies can be found in the most unlikely yet obvious of places. Wh...
Needlepoint is a decorative needlework done on canvas using mostly diagonal stitches. You can paint...
Needlework is a great hobby that has countless interesting patterns for different types of needlewor...
Easter Egg hunts, candy baskets, and decorating eggs are some of the most enjoyable parts of celebra...
If you are creative and can make pretty crafts for the yard or home, it can be a great way to reliev...
The best way to decide on how to surprise your friend or relative is to know what they really like o...
If you are a crafting enthusiast and are passionate about what you do, you may have wondered if you ...
The internet is filled with many sites with crafts for every occasion and for every age group. There...
Crafting is a fun and easy hobby for people of all ages, but finding the supplies you need can be ex...
Needlework can be described as any project where the tool used to create or put it together is a typ...
You feel good when you're busy- it's a healthy feeling. Crafting is a great way to keep busy. When w...
People who do crafting seems to enjoy sharing their ideas with others. Crafting can cause people to...
If you are looking for small and simple craft projects, there are so many to choose from. First you ...
Once you have figured out what crafts you would like to start selling, the next step is to find a pl...
In previous years, crafts for the elderly have seemingly been limited, somewhat archaic and even chi...
Do you want to make some crafts that are different from what everyone else is doing? There are inst...
One of the most rewarding ways to sell your homemade crafts is to attend a craft show. These convent...
Now that the economy is very bad, it is hard to even buy a nice gift for someone for any occasion. N...
Crafters who enjoy needlepoint know that they can put anything onto a needlepoint pattern and sew it...
If you are considering selling your homemade crafts as a small business venture, you need to learn t...
Easter is right around the corner. One of the best ways to celebrate this time of year is to make cr...
Crafts are popular and are created by thousands of crafters each day. A diligent crafter is always s...