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Posts by Month: January, 2010

  • Sunday the 31st
    • Enrich Life with Handcrafts

       Quality of life is greatly affected by things people do and choices they make. Folks with a creativ...
    • Experience with Crafting

       Crafting can be a very rewarding creative experience. You can buy things you want, but to craft it ...
  • Saturday the 30th
    • Earning Money From Crafts

       People that possess crafting skills are at an advantage when earning extra money becomes an issue. ...
    • Joining a Group to Enjoy Crafting

       It has been said you can find anything on the Internet and this is also true of finding a group to j...
  • Friday the 29th
    • Selling Your Crafts

       The creation of crafts is often done as a primary or secondary income. Depending upon the craft and...
    • Crafts for Gifts

       While some people would frown on a homemade gift, to many other people a home made gift will turn in...
  • Thursday the 28th
    • How Crafting Helps Children

       As children are growing up one thing they love to do is learn. While they love to learn, they need t...
    • Bead Crafting

       Beaded crafts and jewelry are often looked at as a very expensive craft to get into. This is not al...
  • Wednesday the 27th
    • Get Them Interested

       There are many craft enthusiasts that would like nothing more than to touch a few lives with their a...
    • Where to Find Inexpensive Craft Supplies

       Finding cheap or inexpensive craft supplies can be as simple as checking out the dollar store. You ...
  • Tuesday the 26th
    • Crafts for Gifts

       Crafts are a pleasure to create and often become gifts for special people. Crafters will create ite...
    • Crafting for Better Health

       Crafting is a hobby that for many people can turn into a business opportunity. For those who just l...
  • Monday the 25th
    • Crafts For Income

       Craft making can be a fun and easy way to earn extra money. There are numerous ways to sell a variet...
    • Valentine Crafts

       A fun craft for Valentine's Day is a conversation heart wreath. Because you choose the sayings on t...
  • Sunday the 24th
    • How Crafting Helps Children

       Crafting helps children in many wonderful ways. Crafting teaches children to interact and socialize...
    • How To Make Potpourri At No Cost

       Potpourri has been used for many centuries to fragrant and to decorate homes. People have customize...
  • Saturday the 23rd
    • How Crafting Can Help Children

       We all want our children to grow and flourish in their individuality don't we? Of course the answer...
    • Experience With Crafting

       If you are a crafter then you may already have your favorite craft projects on track. If you are ju...
  • Friday the 22nd
    • Inexpensive Crafts and Ideas for Saint Patrick's Day

       Celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day with an array of rainbow and shamrock crafts that focus on the holiday...
    • Crafting to Build Creativity and Expand the Imagination

       Crafting is a wonderful and enjoyable hobby, it is also a great way to build you child’s imagination...
  • Thursday the 21st
    • Crafting With the Natural Elements of Nature

       Crafts can be so relaxing to create and the types of supplies used are nearly endless. For people w...
    • Creative Crafts to Make With Newspaper

       Thank goodness for newspaper. People that enjoy making crafts know the value of newspaper. Althoug...
  • Wednesday the 20th
    • Marketing Your Crafts

       There are many people who love to make crafts yet they have no idea how to go about selling them. T...
    • Scrapbooking

       Scrapbooking has been around for hundreds of years, it is one of the most popular hobbies in the wor...
  • Tuesday the 19th
    • Making A Collage

       If you are a collector or just a sort of pack rat and you have a few things you can't part with, mak...
    • Valentine Craft Ideas

       Valentine's Day is coming soon and that's a perfect reason to gather the kids around the table and e...
  • Monday the 18th
    • Making Small Crafts for Gifts

       Crafting has been a way of life for many years, and a great way for each individual to express thems...
    • Crafts for Gifts

       At some time or another, we have all gotten a homemade craft item as a gift and many times it was fr...
  • Sunday the 17th
    • Selling Your Crafts

       It is possible to put your creativity to work for you to make money. The first step is to make sure...
    • What Children Learn From Crafting

       Introducing your child to crafts can turn out to be one of the best things you can ever do for them....
  • Saturday the 16th
    • Experiences While Crafting

       Crafting can really create fantastic experiences. What better way to make new friends, bring the fa...
    • How Crafting Helps Children

       Crafting can help children in many ways. Children can start crafting at a very young age. Crafting...
  • Friday the 15th
    • Making a Wreath for Each Season

       Wreaths are traditionally used for outside door decorations in the winter when it's often too cold f...
    • Healthy Crafting Ideas

       Looking for crafty ideas for healthy gifts for family and friends? Would you like to find crafts yo...
  • Thursday the 14th
    • How Children Benefit From Crafts

       Crafts can be such a great pastime project for all ages. Some children will just jump right into a ...
    • Creating Silk Bouquets as an Inexpensive Craft

       Creating crafts can be very rewarding and cost saving if you have special events coming up. Silk fl...
  • Wednesday the 13th
    • Best Locations to Sell Crafts

       Selling handmade crafts can be a great way to make a little extra cash, but starting up a new busine...
    • Crafts for Children

       Doing crafts with your children not only keeps them busy, it allows them to create something they ca...
  • Tuesday the 12th
    • Where to Find Inexpensive Craft Supplies

       When you are looking for inexpensive craft supplies, your favorite store heading word should be "cle...
    • Crafts for Smaller Holidays

       Our society celebrates many kinds of holidays. There are the "majors" like Christmas, Mother's Day, ...
  • Monday the 11th
    • Crafting for Gifts

       Crafting can be a fun hobby. It not only gives one a creative outlet, but in the end you have produ...
    • Crafting as a Family

       With today’s hectic schedules it is hard to find time to sit down and do things as a family. What b...
  • Sunday the 10th
    • Small Crafts For Gifts

       Handmade crafts are some of the most cherished gifts that can be received. Everyone appreciates the...
    • Crafts for Better Health

       Working with crafts is a very soothing experience and crafting can be a very satisfying skill. All ...
  • Saturday the 9th
    • Crafting as a Group Activity

       There are many crafts you can participate in and a group of friends joining in can be really fun. I...
    • Valentine Craft Ideas

       When February rolls around, we start to think about Valentines Day. Whether we have children or not,...
  • Friday the 8th
    • Earning Money From Crafts

       Earning money from your crafts can be both lucrative and fun. Whether your craft is painting light ...
    • Crafting For Fun

       When you have a talent for doing crafts, you can have so much fun making them. You can enjoy the fin...
  • Thursday the 7th
    • Valentine’s Day Crafts

       Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and retailers are gearing up for huge sales and hefty profits. ...
    • Patterns and Ideas for Needlework Crafts

       Do you love new ideas and patterns for doing needle point? Today, with the use of the internet, you...
  • Wednesday the 6th
    • Ways to Interest People in Your Crafts

       Crafts are a pleasure to create, but once you have given them to all of your friends and family memb...
    • Income From Your Craft

       If you are an artist of any kind and have a multitude of craft items you have made over the years, y...
  • Tuesday the 5th
    • Crafting Ideas

       There are so many mediums to work with when it comes to crafting that it is often hard to choose in ...
    • Add Enjoyment To Your Day With Craft Projects

       Many people enjoy crafting for various reasons. It provides hours of enjoyment, and many projects c...
  • Monday the 4th
    • Crafting to Lift Your Spirits

       Looking at a beautiful quilt or at the detail of a cross-stitch project can bring a smile to your fa...
    • Inexpensive Craft Supplies

       Crafting is a wonderful way to build creativity and imagination. It is also a great way for parents ...
  • Sunday the 3rd
    • Ideas For Small Crafting Projects

       Crafting projects can become a fun hobby for children or adults of all ages. There is always a varie...
    • Valentines' Day Craft Ideas

       During these times of economical hardships some people find it difficult to afford gifts for everyon...
  • Saturday the 2nd
    • The Healthy Influence Of Crafting

       Crafting and/or hobbies can be a big influence on people. Many people need something to distract th...
    • Ways Crafting Affects Your Life

       When you have the opportunity to look at crafts that other people have made, you may have the feelin...
  • Friday the 1st
    • Crafts for Gifts

       Crafts are a natural for gift-giving, combining a loving heart and willing hands to provide pretty o...
    • Ideas for Needlework Crafts

       Needlework crafts can cover a very large area. Crochet has been around for centuries and so has lat...

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