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4/8/2009 @ 10:47:27 am by craftingonabudget.com

Fun Crafts for Children

The internet is filled with many sites with crafts for every occasion and for every age group. There are crafts for pre-school aged children (age 3+) that includes activities such as painting, gluing, and sculpting. There are also activities and crafts available for children in grades K through 6.

One fun pre-K craft includes the egg carton flowers, which lets the kids make an egg carton flower, using the egg carton, paint or markers, and pipe cleaners to turn the egg carton into a decorated tulip. Another craft project for younger children is called the bathtub fish. All you need for this project is a clean milk jug, scissors, and a permanent marker. Using these objects the child can turn an ordinary milk jug into a fun bath toy.

A very fun K through6 craft project is called straw painting. The child will need to gather straws, poster paint, and paper. Once these items are gathered, all the child needs to do is place a drop of paint onto the paper and blow on it through the straw. The child will be amazed at the masterpiece he or she will create. Another more advanced craft for older children is called the pinecone bird feeder. The child will need to gather pinecones, a butter knife, natural peanut butter, twine, and scissors. The child will need to cover the pinecone in peanut butter and roll it around in birdseed. Next, he or she will have to tie the pinecone with the twine and hang it up. This will provide a treat for the birds all year around.

As you can see, there are many fun craft ideas that can be found on the internet. These projects are fun for children and their parents to do together.

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