In previous years, crafts for the elderly have seemingly been limited, somewhat archaic and even childlike. Please take note that crafts for the elderly need not be restrictive. Everyone should be able to choose an activity at a level that meets their specific needs and interests. Let’s face it; one size does not fit all.
As the times change, so do people. That doesn’t mean that their interest change. That doesn’t mean that they want to learn new crafts or activities at a lesser or lower level. Choices are key. Where is it written that senior citizens aren’t capable of continuing activities at their current level if they so choose?
Other art forms should not be an excluded possibility for senior citizens. Unless there is an unbearable health issue, such as arthritis, seniors shouldn’t be prevented from participating in more thought provoking arts and crafts projects. Definitely, they should be encouraged to continue their previous tasks while exercising their brain.
The directory of potential hobbies for senior citizens might consist of the following items: knitting, crocheting, scrapbooking, mosaics, portraits, fruit design, flower arrangements, beading, weaving, cooking, gardening, and decoupage just to name a few. Perhaps it would be most beneficial to have a collection of activities from which to choose. Even better, why not have several activities in which seniors can participate, fashioned in round robin style. It is important to remember that getting older does not mean giving up mind stimulating and engaging activities. Just the opposite is true for the purpose of at least maintaining if not strengthening the mind, the body, and the being.
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