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4/14/2009 @ 11:48:36 am by craftingonabudget.com

Crafts As Therapy

In a family or patient setting, crafts can be used as a tool for therapy. It can be used for children, the elderly, accident patients and people with a number of mental problems.

Research shows that crafts or creative arts are for your health, well-being and relationships. You produce a feeling of encouragement with skills such as cutting out shapes, tracing and drawing. It is a having to let your imagination run wild. Expressing yourself in art allows you to let go of feelings that you cannot put into words. Self-confidence can be gained and create thinking can reduce stress. This then carries over into other endeavors.

With the elderly or disabled, crafts can be a form of interaction with other patients. It may be conversation, involvement in the activities themselves, or just the company of other people. Accident victims find that crafts can transform your mind, keeping your hands, heart and mind busy. Thus, taking away pain and stressful thoughts. Creative therapy is useful when psychotherapy and pharmacology have not been 100 percent helpful. Crafting activities promote client, doctor relationships and promotes discussion. In the elderly, dementia is a problem; they may not understand the concept, but still may be willing to join the group. They will still gain something from the event even if they do not show active involvement. They may not do the crafts, but may engage in conversations, and eventually become involved with crafting.

Crafting has many therapeutic applications. It is not only beneficial for those in need of some sort of therapy. It can keep the healthy and sane at a calm, balanced, more happy level as well.

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