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4/4/2009 @ 9:17:13 am by craftingonabudget.com

Odd Crafts

Do you want to make some crafts that are different from what everyone else is doing? There are instructions for unusual crafts, some of which are pretty wild.

Sometimes you can just use an odd type container for a gift that will be remembered. Most people use mason jars to put jelly in, but you might try using coffee mugs instead. This way, when the jam is gone, the person has a new mug to use.

If you have someone who is into gardening, you might try using a clay flower pot in which to bake a cake for them. All you need to do is purchase a new flower pot and wash and dry it, line it with foil and a dusting of flour. Then pour the batter in and bake until it springs back, at least 40 minutes. When the cake is cool, remove it from the pot and decorate however you would like. Use the cellophane that florists use to gather around the pot and you have a wonderful gift.

Sometimes you can make unusual things out of rocks. Especially if you are looking for Halloween type decorations, you can find rocks and then glue on eyes that will glow in the dark. These can be used either indoors or outside. You might even want to use other glow in the dark items and make faces on material. You could hang these in trees or bushes for an eerie look.

To make unusual or odd crafts, all it takes is a little imagination and maybe trying different items on your crafts.

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