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4/9/2009 @ 10:29:46 am by craftingonabudget.com

Gift Crafts

The best way to decide on how to surprise your friend or relative is to know what they really like or are into. Most people have a favorite item or singer or sports team that they are always bragging about. So that will definitely narrow it down for you.

All you have to do then is be creative and make them something that will be one of a kind for their collection. The great thing about this is that it will be a gift you made just for them, and they will treasure it.

You can check on the internet for some suggestions because it is loaded with some great ideas. For a pastor friend, you could get a clear glass covered jar and paint or paste the word "Believe" on it and tie a wide ribbon of their favorite color to match the word. It is simple yet profound. Another idea is a scrapbook for a friend of all the places that she has gone to when she was in school. You will want to try to find some high school pictures of classmates and have them signed. Everyone loves to remember their school days so this will probably be kept on her desk to take walks down memory lane.

A great gift for the woman who is very busy and has little time to cook would be to put the ingredients for a bean soup in a canning jar with the flavoring packet inside. All she would have to add would be the meat. Tie a nice bow on it and tape the typed directions on the jar.

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