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4/30/2009 @ 10:14:34 am by craftingonabudget.com

Why Crafting is Important

Crafting is very important because not only does it have an affect on the one doing the crafts, but everyone that comes in contact with the crafts. Crafting has a calming, peaceful, satisfying reward. Crafting is like doing therapy. You forget about the stress and everyday problems. Your hands are busy, your mind free to think. It’s a way of giving part of you to someone else and getting that feeling of accomplishment and pride. Crafts make a person think about what they are doing instead of getting depressed and emotional.

Some of the things found to be very good with the handicapped include drawing, be it still life or portraits. Working with paints offers you the movement of the wrist and the mind gets a good workout too. Knitting and crocheting are a good hobby for those who are confined to bed.

When it comes to a child, the teacher or parent needs to watch and study the child to see what kind of crafts he or she is able to do. Then they can give them something that will make them think, but not something too easy. When they have to work at a project they realize that it’s a good learning activity. Children will express themselves through coloring, drawing and painting. Children have enormous imaginations when it comes to crafts. They can put on paper what they can’t put into words. The benefits of doing crafts include not only enhanced motor skills but brings together eye-hand coordination as well.

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