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4/28/2009 @ 10:01:48 am by craftingonabudget.com

How To Do Valentine's Crafts

Crafts are fun to do at any time of the year. A great time is for Valentine's Day, for it shows that you wanted to make something special, instead of buying it. Here are some great craft ideas that anyone, at any age, can make for their loved ones.

Kids can make puffy hearts. All you do is cut a heart shape from construction paper or poster board. Put glue in center, making a heart. Place the eraser part of a pencil in the middle of white tissue squares and twist the pencil. The tissue then goes on the glue. You keep doing that until the center is covered with white tissue squares. After that, do the same thing with pink or red tissue squares. Glue on a hanger or magnet, and make enough for all your loved ones.

Another one that can be made is a Valentine ribbon chain. You make a chain the same way a paper chain is made, but ribbon is used instead. Cut equal lengths of red, pink, or white (any combination). Staple the first piece together, then loop the second strip in and staple that one. Keep doing that, until it is as long as you want. Hang the chain to adorn your house, room, or anywhere you want it to look more like Valentine's Day.

You can decorate candles, making them fit the holiday. First, cut strips of different pink patterned paper and glue them on the same-sized strips of white poster board. Cut two sizes of hearts from the patterned paper. Poke tiny holes in either side of the hearts, to allow the wire to go through. Join hearts by running wire through the holes, going around the candle. You can also use decorative beads between hearts. You can really use your imagination. Have fun!

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