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5/1/2009 @ 12:04:10 pm by craftingonabudget.com

Selling Your Crafts At Craft Fairs

The first thing you need to evaluate is the uniqueness of your craft. You must know who will be interested in your merchandise. Whatever shows you choose, key in on the clientele that will be there. This leads to another important aspect of craft fairs. Each craft show has its own specialties. Some craft shows are very high-end art oriented, while others are focused on what someone may need to decorate their house. Knowing the show that you're going to will help you prepare for set-up.

Pricing your item(s) is extremely important. If you tend to overprice your items, it will hurt your sales. The most common way to price is taking how much it cost you to make it and then doubling it. So, if it cost you $6 to make, then you should sell it for around $12.

People who go to craft shows intentionally go because they want to buy. The problem is that many do not carry cash or checks. The fact is that in today's economy, people use credit cards to make their transactions. The average sale increase for using credit cards is 25 to 50 percent. You must weigh your options though when diving into the credit card business. Look at several different companies and what they have to offer. There can be many fees involved if you are not careful. There are transaction fees, wireless fees and sometimes monthly fees. A machines outright cost can be anywhere from $445 to $600.

Selling at craft fairs can be a lot of fun. The tips above will help you get started or help you increase traffic to your booth. Keep things tidy and bright. Be sure to remember to keep smiling.

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