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2/26/2009 @ 10:39:46 am by craftingonabudget.com

How Crafting Helps Children

Getting children started making crafts at a young age reaps huge benefits as they grow older. First off all, the bonding that can take place between a parent and young child while working together on a craft is priceless. Taking a few moments every-once-in-awhile to give your child your undivided attention to teach and help them to make something provides the opportunity for getting closer to your child. This in turn develops a report with your child that will carry on throughout the rest of his or her childhood, teen years, and adulthood. You cannot put a price on having an open line of communication with your child as early as possible.

How crafting helps children goes even further than the parent/child relationship. Crafting can also help the child develop their dexterity, imagination, and reasoning powers. As they are coloring, their minds dream up all kinds of things while their eyes and hands are working hard to color inside the lines. If they are doing crafts with a group of children, they learn invaluable social lessons like sharing and encouraging each other in what they are making. Making crafts also has a way of developing a little higher level of self-esteem in them. Knowing that they actually made something with their own hands helps them to believe in themselves, that they can do even more things.

Another benefit of having children do crafts that is often overlooked is the delayed gratification lesson. In this day and age, we want everything right now; with doing crafts, it oftentimes takes awhile before it is completed. This lesson will follow the child as he or she grows and matures into an adult. Crafting is beneficial to a child on very many levels.

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