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2/25/2009 @ 12:20:27 pm by craftingonabudget.com

Making Money With Crafts

Making money without spending too much money is the main concern for people today. What do you love to do? Whatever it is you do for an income, you certainly want to enjoy it, since you'll probably be doing a lot of it. Many people have taken up various kinds of crafting as a hobby, and there are definitely many different kinds of crafts to choose from! Whether you prefer to work with yarn, paper, or wood crafts, there are a ton of ways to keep you busy.

In about six simple steps, you can put together a plan to make money with crafts you love. First, decide on a craft that is cost effective in supplies. Buying supplies in bulk is usually a great way to save money and have materials on hand for future craft projects. Keep in mind the labor hours to complete a project- this is why most people call this a labor of love!

The next step would be to develop a marketing strategy to promote your venture. You want to get the word out inexpensively and efficiently. These, of course, are the two steps that you cannot do without.

Remember that doing crafts on special order can be very time consuming, and you may find that doing it this way is more a labor of love than for an income. Quality is a must in any product or company, and it is no different for custom work, if not more so.

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