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2/26/2009 @ 10:39:46 am by craftingonabudget.com

Finding Cheap Crafting Supplies

Finding inexpensive crafting supplies does not have to be a difficult undertaking. There are many ways to accomplish this task. One great way to find discount crafting supplies is to ask other crafters. Though some will not be willing to give up their sources, you may find some willing to help. Also getting a tax ID number will help you get discounts with vendors. Many vendors give better deals and discounts to those with tax ID numbers.

Shopping discount craft supply houses online is another great way to find inexpensive supplies. Make sure to browse several websites so that you can comparison shop, this works with your local discount houses as well. Depending on the type of crafting you do, you should be able to find whole websites devoted to the supplies of your specific craft. For example, because of the popularity of scrap booking, there are many discount websites that sell these supplies for cut rate prices.

Now if you are looking for kids craft supplies, you can save money by finding household items to use for the crafts. Check that old junk drawer you have in the kitchen or sewing room. This should lead to an abundance of buttons, ribbons, thread, and other scrap material. You can use your old stale pasta for many children’s projects. Making your own play dough with some water, flour, salt, cooking oil, cream of tartar, and a little food coloring is very economical as well. Do not forget that you can collect free supplies at the beach like seashells and sand.

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