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1/29/2009 @ 10:07:23 am by craftingonabudget.com

Finding Inexpensive Crafting Supplies

If you love crafting but are not a multimillionaire, then you would probably love to know where to find inexpensive crafting supplies. There are many resources for crafters to find supplies at discount prices. If you have a Michaels or a Joann’s in your local area, they are great places to get craft supplies at reasonable prices. They are chain stores that have locations all across the nation. If you like to shop online, there are also many options to find inexpensive craft supplies.

A great way to qualify for discounts with certain suppliers is to apply for a Tax ID number. Ask other crafters where they get their supplies, and if they know of any bargains. Comparison shop between websites and local sources as well. Many suppliers offer bulk discounts, make sure to ask the suppliers you shop with if they offer these bulk discounts and what you need to quality. These are just a few ways to get discounts on crafting supplies.

A few more tips you may need to shop for inexpensive crafting supplies. Make sure to deal with only trustworthy craft supply vendors. When buying inexpensive craft supplies online make sure to look for specific brands to help ensure that you get the best deal. Keep lists of your craft buying history so that you can go back to it when you need more supplies. There are many vendor websites for all different types of crating supplies. Make sure to do the proper research to get the best deals and the highest quality supplies.

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