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1/28/2009 @ 10:14:42 am by craftingonabudget.com

Great Christmas Time Crafts

At Christmas time there are many crafts that you can make. There are many ways you can be creative and add joy to the holiday season. You can make great gifts, stocking stuffers and decorations for the tree using things that you probably already have around the house. Some great ideas are garland for the tree. You can use string with Cheerios or Fruit Loops on it. You can also use popcorn, nuts or other cereal.

Baking cookies can be a craft too. You can bake shortbread cookies and decorate them with your children. This can be a fun way for the family to spend some time together. You should start by cutting the cookie dough in the shape of Christmas trees, wreaths, or gingerbread men. Then place them in the pan and bake them. While they are cooling off, put sprinkles and icing on the top of them.

Other Christmas time crafts are decorating candles and making ornaments for the tree. Some materials to use are ribbons, self-made picture frames made out of Styrofoam, or play dough. The children can decorate Christmas cards made out of construction paper. Christmas crafts are a great way for you and your children to show off your creative side and spend quality time together all at the same time. Lastly, you can demonstrate the spirit of giving by taking the children to a nursing home or local charity and giving the crafts away to those who are less fortunate.

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