Studies are now showing that crafts are good for our mental and spiritual health. It is estimated that three quarters of every household contains someone who loves to craft. Arts and crafts have been used as forms of communication since man began recording time. Decorative vases, drawings on cave walls and elaborately designed tombs are an example of this.
Years ago, occupational therapy began using arts and crafts as a part of their programs. The crafts are used for restoring self esteem and improving coordination skills. Arts are currently used in multiple therapies. It is proven that patients and families who do different types of crafts are more effectively able to communicate their inner feelings through their art. This shows that crafts are used as a form of nonverbal communication even today. The Children’s Healing Arts Program teaches hospitalized children and their families how to bead. The testimonies of these patients and families express that beading brings a sense of calm and peace to them.
In a study conducted by the Journal of the American Association, it was determined that crafting drops the heart rate, which lowers blood pressure. It has been said that crafting makes you concentrate on what you’re doing, and can distract you from everyday worries. A Harvard University expert reported that repetitive and rhythmic crafts such as knitting result in a full body relaxation response.
In summary, arts and crafts are a healthy physical activity that can be enjoyed by everyone. If you keep crafting high on your priority list, your mind and body will benefit.
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